I walk down the street,
There is a huge hole in the sidewalk,
I fall in
I'm lost..... hopeless,
It's not my fault,
It takes forever to get out.
I walk down the same street,
There is a huge hole in the sidewalk,
I pretend that don't see it,
I fall in again
I can't believe that I am in the same place again..
But it's not my fault
Still, it takes me a long time to get out.
I walk down the same street,
There is a huge hole in the sidewalk,
I see it
Still I fall i. It's a habit
My eyes a wide open
Already know where I am,
It's my fault,
I climb out quickly..
I walk down the same street..
There is a huge hole in the sidewalk
I walk around it.
Then.. I walk down a different street.
Dah habis baca? bacalah sekali lagi, baca perlahan-lahan..
Open your eyes.. the economic recovery process is already began, already began..
By the way... please drop by here and tell me what do you think..
2 days ago
out of topic--> bukan pengalaman sebenarnye... cuma terlibat secara tidak sengaja je... org len yg ternak..kite tumpang popular je he..23x
takpa.. no problem, sama la dgn saya dulu.. hehe
you're what u said to others or you're what u said to urself? ada org dia ckp kat org lain tp ckp kat diri sendiri lain....Dia lebih mengetahui...wallahualam.
yng ni saya lebih.. kepada diri sendiri :)
dulu ternak pe ek
dah drop by dah web tu.hmm.. cam pakar motivasi jer. maybe ade peluang disitu.jgn berhenti mencuba.
update kamu pn xkuar mcm jard & me.. =p
*ohya, yg bernama insan itu pasti membuat kesalahan.. kdng2 berkali2.. amat beruntung klu hny sekali.. ape yg penting.. bgn semula! yeah! =p
Moment- .. iya bangun semula! :)
Mr.Penyu- actually nak cerita, kawan saya yng jadi perunding amanah saham ada masuk prgrm kat situ.. lepas keluar depa dapat buat sales dlm 2 bulan sebanyak 5 juta tu..
Frame- maksud teman.. sama la , kawan2 yng ternak, teman nengok je...hehe
5 juta?? hoho.. maknanya pakar motivasi tu berjaya membantu kawan ko tu. so, ko tak coba ke?
semalam ade call.. tanya cemane nak join team diorang , diorang soh datang intebiu dulu.. nak tengok bakat. bakat ape teman pon tak sure.. tapi lebih pada bab selling2..
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